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National Heritage Board // Bulan Bahasa 2013


Seeking an identity that exhibits bahasa ilmu, bahasa budaya and bahasa mesra; connoting that language encompasses wisdom, culture and the everyday.


The significance of communicating in the aforementioned emphases of the Malay Language.

  • Bahasa Ilmu: the Refined

  • Bahasa Budaya: the Understanding

  • Bahasa Mesra: the Conversation


Our approach

The Art of Carving – established by the ‘Malays’ 500 years ago. The intricacy and refined carving that mirrors the initiative of Bulan Bahasa in igniting the value of the Malay language and exercising its practices.


Colour Palette

– why silver as a potential preference rather than brass or gold; as this could be made the colour palette for Bulan Bahasa 2013


Silverware as point of departure

The idiom, silver lining: the hope or the ‘first light’ in the design as well as contextualizing the practices of Bulan Bahasa 2013.

development of brand identity

Brand Identity & collaterals

event's branding

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