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On hindsight, perhaps it was destined that the seed of the concept for this campaign was sown in the wee hours along a hotel’s corridors during the team’s trip to the land of the rising sun. Similar to Japan, Singapore is facing a predicament of low birth rates. Our task was to conceptualise a campaign to encourage Singaporeans to start having conversations about having children. How does one tread when it involves a social issue that has touched people’s nerves?

Our approach was to weave the message into a subject that the audience can relate to. In general, Singaporeans are concerned about matters of the body. Most of us do make an attempt to keep fit and healthy, and some of us even take part in competitive sports such as marathons. With this in mind, we wanted to communicate the idea that if we can prepare our bodies for a marathon, why not when it comes to a baby? Hence, the over-arching working title was decided as ‘Fertility Fit’.

In the initial development, careful attention was given to the form and expressions of the sperm and egg characters. We needed to make sure that they were dignified yet approachable to the audience. The sports that were chosen also gave context to the campaign messages as the nature of these sports had symbolic references to fertility. 

A series of out-of-home (OOH) advertisements were launched with the sperm and egg characters splashed on the pillars and floors of one of the busiest MRT stations in Singapore including the interior of the train carriages. It's also extended to taxis exterior plying the roads of Singapore. A short animation video was also created to target the younger audiences on digital portals such as YouTube & Spotify.

Beyond what we expected, the roll-out of the campaign did generate much attention from the public and in particular, a certain demographic that had opposing views.

At the end of the day, we ask:

Did our design serve to inform? We leave that answer to you.

visual identity


advertising touchpointS

Sengkang MRT Station Platform Screen Doors


City Hall MRT Station Concept Platform

MRT Main Line Concept Train

Taxi Wrap


Media Coverage

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